electric Bicycle 5

The model Harley-Davidson. And it's not a motorcycle

The model Harley-Davidson. And it's not a motorcycle

in the view of the vast majority of people — is a company associated with roaring motorcycles, driving at high speeds on highways and prairies. But Harley-Davidson has long been trying to move away from this image and tries...


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The bike that almost never need to be recharged. How does it work?

The bike that almost never need to be recharged. How does it work?

the Expression «not necessary » should not be taken too literally. The fact is that, despite the very simple device (steering wheel, pedals, a chain and a pair of wheels), many developers are constantly making features i...


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Uber will hire electric bikes

Uber will hire electric bikes

the Uber Services used by a huge number of people around the world. A taxi can take you to the desired point and even translate your stuff or deliver the food. But soon the Uber customers will have access to another kind of transp...


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Honda will release electric scooter with replaceable batteries

Honda will release electric scooter with replaceable batteries

the PCX Scooters — a very popular means of transportation in Japan, so they continue to sell in large quantities. In order to reduce exhaust emissions, Honda decided to modify scooters, releasing hybrid and electric version ...


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Startup Solar E-Cycle started testing velomobiles solar

Startup Solar E-Cycle started testing velomobiles solar

Founder Roger Christens was born and raised in Canada, but nearly thirty years of living in Africa, so all the problems of the local population it is well known that many people are not only deprived of access to electricity, but ...


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